Welcome to the Non-profit International Press Syndicate Group, its flagship agency IDN-InDepthNews, issue focussed websites SDGs for All and Toward A Nuclear Free World, and its online and print publications ‘Striving for People, Planet and Peace’ and ‘Toward A World Without Nuclear Weapons’, its weekly newsletters ‘UN INSIDER’ and ‘Beyond Breaking the News’, monthly ‘SDGs For All’ and ‘Toward A Nuclear Free World’, and our Social Media websites (hereafter “INPS”).
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International Press Syndicate Group:
A reliable source of informed analysis — News for a Sustainable World, Peace and Security.
The International Press Syndicate is a global newsgroup first established in Canada and Germany in March 2009 as Globalom Media Information, Communication and Publishing Agency, with IDN-InDepthNews as its flagship agency. issue-focused websites SDGs for All and Toward A Nuclear Free World, the online and print publications ‘Striving for People, Planet and Peace’ and ‘Toward A World Without Nuclear Weapons’, the weekly ‘UN INSIDER’ and ‘Beyond Breaking the News’ newsletters, the monthly ‘SDGs For All’ and ‘Beyond Nuclear Non-Proliferation’ newsletters, and social media websites (all collectively known as “INPS”).
An understanding of the connotation of Globalom – a word coined by blending Global and Om – was confined to the Indian diaspora but, with widening interest in its information and publishing activities, it was decided to change the name to International Press Syndicate in 2016 – with global headquarters in Berlin (Germany) and associate headquarters in Toronto.
Before the end of April 2016, International Press Syndicate had also been registered in Singapore as INPS Southeast Asia and in Tokyo as International Press Syndicate Japan. They constitute the global International Press Syndicate Group together with bureaus for sub-Saharan Africa in Johannesburg, for the Middle East and North Africa in Cairo, for South Asia in New Delhi and Chennai, for Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific in Sydney, for Latin America in Quito, for the European Union in Brussels, for the OECD and UNESCO in Paris and for the United Nations in New York.
The INPS Group accomplishes its editorial mission through a global network of dedicated professional journalists.
Beyond Breaking the News
We live in a world of Information overload, which makes it difficult to gain an insight into issues that matter and impact our lives. The International Press Syndicate’s IDN-InDepth News, online since 2009, and its other issue-focused websites offer news and analysis.
Genuine and fair global governance built on the bedrock of social justice and global citizenship, a culture of peace facilitating a nuclear-weapons-free world, and South-South, North-South and triangular cooperation in the interest of ensuring human rights and civil liberties are the lynchpins of the news and analysis we provide.
We also focus on sustainability within and beyond the framework of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the 169 targets that aim to transform the world by 2030 and pay significant attention to cross-cultural communication reflected in trends in the arts and culture.
The global International Press Syndicate Group provides news and analysis reflecting the concerns of the marginalised sections of societies in rich, middle and low-income countries and aims to build bridges between citizens and institutions – whether national, sub-regional, regional, international, intergovernmental or non-governmental – with a view to making information more democratic and participatory.
News and analysis are offered through:
Opinion articles by:
- Parliamentarians
- Government leaders
- UN officials
- Faith leaders
- Corporate leaders.
News coverage from:
- Major cities of the world
- The European Union
- The African Union
- United Nations (New York, Geneva, Vienna, Nairobi), and
- Asia-Pacific – Africa & the Middle East – the Caribbean – Latin America – North America – Europe.
We accomplish our editorial mission with a global network of dedicated professional journalists who look beyond today, and seek new alliances in tandem with:
Media and Other Partners:
- Media organisations from around the world
- Individual journalists
- NGOs and civil society organisations
- Think tanks
- Research organisations worldwide.
The International Press Syndicate Group is funded by and seeks funding from:
- Like-minded institutions
- Not-for-profit organisations
- International organisations
- Intergovernmental bodies
- Private individuals
- Corporations subscribing to the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact
All Group members are responsible for attracting funds through issue-oriented joint media projects in order to run regional operations and ensure global news coverage from their respective regions.
The International Press Syndicate Group is governed by bureau chiefs and editors. A Director-General – working on an honorary basis – coordinates the Group’s activities, also in his capacity as Editor-in-Chief.
Members of the Group’s Board of Advisers are valuable sources of guidance based on their experience in activities aimed at ushering in a world of peace, justice and human dignity.